Bjorn Holm Plus v3.2

Bjorn Holm + is an extension of the standard Map Bjorn Holm.

Version 3.2
– Kompostieranlage funktioniert nun wieder
– leichte Änderungen an der Kuhweide
– Rampe an der BGA angepasst

The map has been supplemented with a few mods and been provided through changes.

The following has been added or modified:
Butcher’s shop
Manure storage
digital scoreboards
new maize texture
new arable texture
new shop building
Offset Kuhweide

Please unzip the folder and adds the accompanying mods in the modfolder a.
I wish you much fun while playing, a Merry Christmas and a Happy !! 2016

Die Umbauten, Veränderungen und Ergänzungen habe ich gemacht, aber die hinzugefügten Mods/Objekte sind von folgenden Moddern:
Marhu, Geneborg, Andy1978, Pandahma, LwFarming, chtiseb, Richard(ls-nextgeneration), Eribus und Ultra_Tonio_Modding.
Ich hoffe das ich alle genannt habe.

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Download links:

* By clicking [Download mods] button you agree to leave this website. The link opens in the new tab. File is hosted in the external website. We are not responsible for the content of the external page and the possibility of free download of the file.

2 Responses

  1. george says:

    galera ficou muito bacana ficou 10 gostei muito .porem na minha opiniao .teria ficado 100% se tivece deixado as texturas original e o mix feeder mai facio de usar . mais valeu a intecao de voceis . espero que saia uma verçao melhor

  2. george says:

    ficou bacana .teria ficado top se nao tivece auterado as textura deixando original

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