Version 2.0
Textures exchanged New Zuckkerfabrik – Brewery – Saftfabrick If stem loop Verändernt New fruits landscape improves, etc.
Version 2.0
Textures exchanged New Zuckkerfabrik – Brewery – Saftfabrick If stem loop Verändernt New fruits landscape improves, etc.
Which harvest do you use for pflaume cotton grape erdbeere kohlrabi whitecabbage redcabbage
How do I harvest plums? I cannot get anything to work.
No triticale.
Triticale was there in the last version. I am using the same seeder and now it is absent. Tried another multi fruit seeder, it’s absent also.
Ray I believe the Mod pack on this link worked for me to harvest plums:
Do you or anyone know how to get the sugar(Zucker) out of the Sugar factory. I have zucker at 100% and I have tried several trailers at the trigger point under the pipe but nothing comes out? Thanks anyone.
the grape is possible harvest with Gregoire G18 or Gregoire G20 and the New Holland NH9060L and the trailer is suitable the herculiono brand but I can’t use in this map