This is the GrenzlandmapXXL a 4 Fachmap Multi
Medium-sized and large fields.
Many sold filters
Fruit varieties of sunflower, poppy, Luzurne rye, soybeans,
Oats, clover and the standard fruits.
Quark, Yogurt.Käse, H.Milch can be loaded in the dairy and
be proceeds again.
Pig and cattle fattening and bull fattening is installed.
Milk must be brought to Molkerrei itself.
No traffic obstructed.
The following mods are needed
Multifruit Mod:–4 (required)
Multifruit module: ZZZ_multiFruitModul (required)
The supplementary fruits appears in the saatmaschiene
Thanks to stretch from the I installed the credits.
by Bauerandreas