Holzhausen Map V 1.2.0






The map requires the latest patch
2 sectors: agriculture, forestry
Main courtyard with machine shops, grain warehouses, cows, silos and bale shed
Depot for forestry equipment
Large freight station
Many Traders for grain, root crops, eggs, etc.
Approximately 115 ha arable and meadow area
3 forestry areas with approximately 20 ha
Biogas plant
Village with a Edeka and vehicle shop (opening times of 6-21Uhr)
AI traffic
Cows, chickens (sheep do not exist. They can be bought, but they wont be shown. This is because, to increase compatibility with various Mods)
Gold coins
For full credits see the Credits.txt or pdf!
You may not use the new street textures in other maps without permission!
You may not use the scripts “conveyorbelt.lua” and “multisiloeffects.lua” without permission by Xentro!
You may not reupload the map!
ALL trees can be chopped down. No Layer trees.
Several small Easter eggs, which are to be discovered;)
Technical Features: AnimationMapTrigger
working trains
Finer texture angle on the fields
“Green manure mod” compatible
Chopped Straw Mod compatible
BGAextension compatible
Fruits: wheat, barley, canola, corn, potatoes, sugar beet, alfalfa (as green manure plant)
Doors to open: Normal rolling doors of sheds must be opened to foot. Green rolling gates, as the merchants have, can also be opened from a vehicle. The gate at the vehicle shop has opening times of 6-21 clock. Outside of these times you can not open the gate.

Giants; Niggels: Strassentexturen, Dekolayertexturen;
Vertexdezign (Katsuo, steffen30Muc, Buschi, Xentro): Maschinenhallen, Getreidehalle, Silo (BGA), Mistrampe, MapDoorTrigger, Fachwerlscheune, Coveyorskript, MultiSiloEffects, LiquidManureFillTriggerExtension, HolzhausenExtension;
Katsuo: Palette, Strassentexturen;
Steffen30Muc: Kalk und Düngerlager, Ballenhalle;
B34STx: Objectspack, Zaunpack;
Buschi: Gitterbox, Wildzaun;
mailman: Rampe, 4er Unterstand;
The_Green_Flash: Bullenstall;
Baue3rR: Tor (Weide);
JauchenPaule: Werkstatteinrichtung, SpareParts, Gasverteilstation, Schweißgerät, Kompressor;
GE-Mapping: Maschendrahtzaun;
FSmodding: Kartoffelkisten;
NKB-Modding: Fermenter;
Modding Welt, martinbigM500: Getreidehandel Roth, Pfosten umklappbar;
Moppel: Claas GPS;
Nick98.1: Schilderset;
Ls-Landtechnik: Leitplankenset;
Fatian: Strassenset;
bluebaby210: MapBuyableObjects, SearchModsScript;
eribus: Forgotten Plants Texturen für Kartoffeln, Mais, Raps, Weizen, Gerste

Holzhausen1.2.0_Entpacken_Unzip.zip – 262.1 MB

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3 Responses

  1. sjors says:

    how to open roll doors?

  2. sjors says:

    and how to open the gate at the shop?

  3. Martijn says:

    You should also download the buy able map mod download.
    I have also download it and then the doors worked.
    Before the doesnt

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