Hello there,
Here I imagine you the old “HTZ 16331 XT3” available.
The mod is FREE !! LOG
Light, turn signals, brake lights, working light, RUL
Tires dust and tire tracks
animated Farmer
animated Amaturen
animated Fronthydraulik
animated Heckhydraulik
anmierte exhaust flap
animated propeller shafts, universal joints in the axle, the fan motor, air filter box, etc.
Ackerschiene fades out when the attachment is coupled
Trailerattacher front
Old worn texture
Power: 180 hp
Maximum speed: 43 km / h
For opening / closing are:
Left door
Right door window
Left side window
Right side window
Roof hatch
Motor Decker
Motor side trim
Patch 1.3 Final must be installed!
I wish you much fun with the mod.
MfG Coyote
Dima29-303, Kiryukha, Mad Dog, Coyote