
I will write credits here because they are a lot : Ranch and Farm Fencing – Sandgropper
MapSiloBand, FermentingSilo, Watermod, WoolPaletteCollector, PigMod – Marhu
AllInOneSilo – TMT Team
Cowshed – NIModding
LMS Buildings – LazyModStudios Modding
American Style Buildings, barns, sellshed, rootcrop barns – JohnDeere1952
SukupBinPack – ThompsonM06
Anhydrous Tanks – IB055
Beleuchtung – Bauer Jens1
Horses – Luculus
MachineShed, PoleBarn, Powerlines and Coop – DocElyoc
Road Construction Kit v3 – Fatian
Guard Rails – Fendt512
RusticBarns – Feterlj
Barn – Merrical Xtras, ekki
Feed Mill – Hermit23
WoodenSigns – Thunderace
Earnvale building – Andrew Standford
Avia Gas Station – Dimanix
Radio Tower – Raptor5
New VehicleShop v1.1 – Joerg_B
McDonalds – Basti_66
FSM Mill and Manure Storage – FSM Team
Raffenarie – BigBlue
Waschlange -Movie-Profi, buchhauer, Blacky_BPG
Barns – Axel of Sweden
Aral Station – Case Fan
Traffic Lights- Babyblue210
Multifarm – Blacky_BPG
LoadingRamp – farmerboy69
Futterlager – Ganelcer
Slaughterhouse – Javier007
Trucks – seba j
Water Station – jimdo, Tankbauer
bigmigmag, workshop equipment – JauchenPaule
Bridge – Fatian
CoverAll Building – Fraser Cow
PavementMarkings – FrankWienberg
Brewery – GE-Mapping
Convert EpicPrydaMods

EpicPrydaMods – 355.3 MB

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10 Responses

  1. mike jones says:

    on the idaho usa map, great map . love the map.. Just wondering on the milk do you sell it or is it automatic??

  2. Thomas Wulf says:

    So far my favorite map on FS 2015 – runs so smooth, great design and layout, no bugs that i have seen at all, and looks beautiful

  3. Landon says:

    Anyone know how to open the Garage doors at the Vehicle shop?? Cant seem to figure out.. Starting to wonder if its a bug or if they just don’t open. Thanks

  4. Jeremy says:

    love the map just can’t seem to find the beef cows at the livestock farm?

  5. Farmer Nash says:

    great map, lots of acres which requires large equipment which in turn makes a LOT of money, to buy bigger equipment! like big bud and the john deere 9560r. this is what the midwest country side of america really looks like.

  6. DODGE says:

    I love the map but the lake and rivers don’t have water, All the fields start out with crops in them if you plow or disks over them or harvest the fields it leaves a line of left over all the way around it. Any1 else having these problems?

  7. Charlotte Hansen says:

    I have a problem with Idaho, it says that there is beef/pigs fattening but you can’t find beef og pigs anywhere on the map, you can’t even buy them neither, don’t know if its a mistake and they have forgotten to put them on the map, when you make a map, you shout not promise more than there is on it – if it says that there is beef and pig fattening, then they have to be on the map, otherwise it looks like an amateur have made the map, hope this is corrected so the map keeps what is promises –

  8. Ron Macklin says:

    I love the map but it keeps crashing down to desktop when I drive the some of the fields.

  9. Alexa says:

    Map is okay. Roads aren’t wide enough for combines and being from Idaho, I hate to break it to y’all but there are NOT any “Tractor Supply and Co’s” We have D&B Supply

  10. Ralph Powell says:

    Can’t find the sawmill

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