The well known L538 with All Wheel Steering (AWS) and in fashionable blue colour from the Agricultural Cooperative NilNomen.
It is very agile and has a very small turning circle thanks to AWS.
Due to its 115KW/156bhp and a top speed of 42kmh (26mph)it is a pure working horse. It needs about 100 Liters of the finest Diesel available for 100km, or as Giants puts it: about 41 Liters for one hour under full load.
It certainly can handle large shovels with a volume of 20,000 liters, however a counter weight of 4 Tons is then required. The bog standard shovel you can use without any counter weight.
Also with its price of only 143000 Euros and a daily maintenance fee of only 90 Euros the L538 AWS is an absolute steal.
The handling characteristics of the L538 are outstanding. It almost stays clued to the terrain. It went without a hitch through its paces on the TopGear Test Track
Tested in SP and MP. Logs are free of errors.
There is already a L538 AWS on Modhoster, however it still has the faulty attacher for shovels and other implements. So i took the original L538 from Giants and modified it for AWS. This is not a changed version of peterman67’s buggy version, but a complete new build as there were many changes in the Giants Model with the different patches they released.

Giants Software GmbH – 14.6 MB

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