~- Adds manual ignition to all motor vehicles.
– Pre heating of the enginge before it could be started.
– HUD dissapears after about 5seconds later.
– automatic installation to all motorized vehicles
– could conflict with other manual ignition scripts
Script: Xentro
Graphic: Katsuo / Xentro
conversion to fs 2015 Wis_Tex
The mod works but, even with the tractor turned off, the exhaust smoke still comes out…
yeah, the exhaust spews out even though the vehicle is off. it does with all vehicles, even mods.
yes smoke still stays on, which to be honest is ok because i like this mod a lot; however it conflicts with my X and doesn’t allow me to unfold any of my sprayers etc… PLZ fix!!
you could just remap the the preheater/ ignition key to an unused key like the space bar
the default key config for this mod is Y, not X. But somehow this mod is interfering with unfolding equipment (default X). I’m testing the problem now.