version 1.0
What has been done. In the yard is now more space than before tour and Help icons including trigger away vehicle dealer replaced manure storage installed cows, sheep and chickens on the farm feed store WoolpaletteCollector fitted with conveyor belts integrated built Forgotten Landscape textures involved Forgotten Plants Fruit Texture: wheat, RemoveHaze barley, maize and potatoes Watermod mounted ball bearings in built pigs and cattle fattening (now slightly away from the farm) installed butcher buys beef and pork Two by mobile shelters built Seedmaster2K15 and suitable bearing mounted involved (remove the haze from 9.00 clock) straw purchase the circus nozzle incorporated in the milk / water trailer of Marhu (milking machine on the farm, milk buying dairy and the fountain in the courtyard) Digital displays installed tank column and job board increases in timber purchase at the court trigger, unload automatically goes manure / dung buying incorporated all the major stations exchanged RealSky texture included soil texture of the fields exchanged Map is ready for: Chopped Straw, Greenfertilizer Mod (clover and alfalfa installed) and GülleMistKalk Mod lime silo in the yard built from found gold coins are stored compound feed and dressed seed can be sold at the freight yard and at the shipping company BGA has a ramp and can be filled with hangers, shelter added compost production built for egg collection boxes installed partially changed, some buildings and much more away.
1LS12: Unterstand
Marhu: Watermod, Milchtrigger. Mapsiloband, Stutzen
Pisty: Rampe
Mariodiek: Förderband Holzschnitzel, Lagerhalle
webalizer_ls: ChoppedStraw
ZeFir_POLAND: Bodentextur
Eribus: Forgotten Plants Landscape Texture V1.0 – Fruchttexturen
Leos50: Förderbänder
Marhu u. Mannie313: Mastanlagen GMK Mod
Zatoxx: Gülleverkauf
DigitalDisplay: Blacky_BPG, Nils23, weisser, lappyBauer, dtmaster
Seedmaster: Andy1978 und Marhu
DisplayOverview: Blacky_BPG und HappyLooser
Saatgutlager: mkausen
Seed2Fix: Marhu, weisser (Hilfe beim seeds2fix)
Woolpalettcollector: Marhu
DustMod: Inerti
Brunnen: LS-2013 Modding
Kalksilo: RC-Devil
Real Sky: Modding Fabrik
Metzgerei: Pandahma
Klee Luzerne: bgo1973
Kompostwerk: Farmer_Andy
Güllelager: Farmer_Andy
Tankstelle: LS-2013 Modding
Gitterbox Eier: Eisbearg