Version 1.6.1
Stained seed stock for seed added (thanks mkausen!) 2. outlet away at the train yard, the originals now works in MP seed stained outlets freight depot and shipping seed and fertilizer at the following locations added: shipping company, biomass power plant, trucking companies and freight station Several minor changes.
1LS12: Waiting
Marhu: Watermod, milk trigger. Mapsiloband,
Písty: Ramp
Mariodiek: Conveyor belt wood chips, Warehouse
webalizer_ls: ChoppedStraw
ZeFir_POLAND: soil texture
Eribus: Forgotten Plants Landscape Texture V1.0
Leos50: conveyor belts
. Marhu u Mannie313: feedlots GMK Mod
Jess: lime silo
Fendtfan1: Potato stock
Zatoxx: Tanker sale
Digital Display: Blacky_BPG, Nils23, white, lappyBauer, dtmaster
Seedmaster: Andy1978 and Marhu
display Overview: Blacky_BPG and Happy Looser
seed stock: mkausen
Seed2Fix: Marhu, white (help seeds2fix)