Hello community, vorweck said, I’m no Modder.Hier I have only once geholt.So the placeable Silagesilo from the LS 13 in the LS15 as I’ve noticed that, has “Marhu” all his Mod’s freigegeben.Also I tested this mod with me and he gives funktioniert.Es in 2 different Größen.capacity: 250000, silagePerHour: 5000capacity: 375000, silagePerHour: 8000Befüllt be the silos with the normal varieties, Hechselgut, grass, Heu.An the level indicator you recognize how much material is present, the dark column shows the status of Silage.Um silage to load needs to drive only with a trailer under the small canopy.
I assume no liability for the Funktionalität.Der download and use at your own risk erfollgt & Gefahr.Wehm this mod nich like, can it after the download and test again löschen.Kritik is only accepted as constructive. THIS MOD MAY NOT WITHOUT MY permission ON OTHER WEBSITES UPLOADED! The MOD should not be changed and made new for download. Reference with Original link possible.
Marhu in LS13