V1.2 Map Update and udated PDA map. 229Mb zip, Multiplayer YES.

Just place this zip in your mods folder and load up a new game and select the Ringwoods Map.

Starting equipment is basic but worth +900k if sold towards mods.

So here’s what’s new in the 1.2 update.
Northern map boundary forestry trail is in planted with trees and joins onto the western trail at the saw mill. This is the roughest trail so far and not really suitable for semi’s with trailers(a few steep hills) although there is a staging area at each end.

Marhu’s MapSiloBand was implemented which brings in feed storage at the main farm and southern farm. Storage is for wheat and barley windrow, grass and dry grass windrow, silage and forage. You can use the bucket loaders with modded buckets or after many painfull and frustrating hours conveyors for straw and grass. You cannot mix feeds in the bays you must empty the bay to change. Phillip you made my head hurt.

The BGA’s will pay for woodchip’s and barley or wheat windrow. Modded trailers or loader wagons only for straw payment triggers to work. Actually I’ve not tried standard loader wagons with those yet so I can’t say they will work but thinking about it they might.

The Biomass center will pay for liquid manure and manure. Modded tankers and trailers must be used or the trigger won’t activate for unloading. Unloading is on the ramp with the sign. Thomas has a Kotte Tanker mod which works superb for transporting and selling liquid manure.

The main farm has a silage making bay squeezed in from the cowzone and also has a new loading ramp for trailers which make filling with loaders easy.

Nearly every tree has been spaced to improved performance and every tree was replaced yesterday as they were just starting to artifact due to compression.

Approx 30 new water planes around the map.

New fencing on the southwest fields west boudary, Kids slide set has rigid body now which I forgot to do in the last update. New Log loading stands at the mills and staging areas help storing logs and picking them up with a loader fork.. Brand new Nothern BGA center up and running, triggers for selling woodchips and barley/wheat windrow.

Water plane pngs edited as not all of the surfaces were rendering.

Spot lights at the main Farm and Biomass have had there shadow maps culled for now and range reduced for performance issues at 9pm switch on. Still glitches a little on our systems but is much better than is was. Many terrain enhancements and cleanups have been done since last weeks update. I still get the GPU fans spinning up at the southern mill due to the amount of trees and objects there, Cutting the trees down soon solves that though. A few bit’s more that were important enough for me to forget what they were.

KNOWN MINOR ISSUE’S that appear on our PC systems.
1. Glowing tracks in the lit areas at night.
2. Buying enough machines to fill the farm vendors store car park like one sometimes does will cause the game to bog down severely until it’s emptied.
3. In the lit areas from 9pm the game framerate does drop especially when you have light’s switched on your machinery.

Areas of the map in the images shown may have changed as they were taken during creation and testing. This map was created for me and my families own gaming experience on our PC systems. I cannot guarantee that it will function as intended on your PC system but hopefully it will and you’ll enjoy it. If not Delete and move on. Stevie.

New for V1.1
Vehicle Reset fixed, Vehicles will appear on the main farm in front of the 3 large storage sheds.
Texture warning fixed for the playslide set.
Floating rocks, trees and shrubs fixed at various locations.
Map Icons are now fixed and in the right places.
Huge new western full boundary forestry trail which joins onto the full southern trail, the new area is also designed so that Semi forestry trucks and logging trailers can access the woods but loading can be tight although there is a clearing about half way in..
New Saw mill and sell trigger in field 19 forestry. Brand new Northwestern Saw mill and Biomass center at the top of the hill with trail access. New farm silo’s at each farm.
Grain elevator from map 1 retextured and used at the rail yard sell point. 100’s of new trees preplanted. Tree clip distance adjusted for performance, LOD remains the same at the moment.
Use the Scorpion on the Southeastern trail as I’m not opening it out for Semi’s as I love off roading there in the pickup.
Hi guy’s I was asked if I would share our map which was originally based on the Westbridge Map02 from the game. I was reluctant as the map although looks stunning had many issues. So I’ve spent the last 5 weeks rebuilding it from a new base map and the result is all the problems are gone and the map is better. The map was created to look and function better than the original Westbridge map, that is all don’t expect a state of the art mod map with all the bells and whistles.
There are 3 farms, 1 small forestry area and one huge which is entered from field 19. The whole map boundary was moved back for this area and it’s my favourite part of the map. The trail is large and great fun to drive with the modded pickup truck. Night lighting is applied to the baseball field, main farm and the Biomass plant. Waterfall and lake extension at the town park. 1000’s of trees with custom textures have been planted around the map and the fir and spruce look superb due to a photoshop tweak. A good selection of starting equipment will get you farming straight away. The Garden center has been moved to the center of the map behind the equipment store. There’s more you’ll just have to look, Have Fun Stevie.

Original by Giant’s, Marhu for the MapSiloBand, Reserved for Autogate Guy, Wizznall for the manure mod scripting and MAP mod by Stevie.

ringwoodsMap12update.zip – 237.0 MB

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