ROS vegetable growing v2.0



1 cucumber greenhouse
A greenhouse for cucumbers. Max. Cucumbers Quantity 5000 (not daily. Production) in a greenhouse stock. Supply of manure (max. 3000), fertilizer (max. 500, seeds, fertilizer goes well with syringe) and well water (max. 3500) from well water pump increases the yield. Pickup possible takes place between manure and water, pull over tight. At night is not produced.

2. greenhouse tomatoes
A greenhouse for tomatoes. Max. Tomato amount 5000 (not daily. Production) in a greenhouse stock. Supply of manure (max. 3000), fertilizer (max. 500, seeds, fertilizer goes well with syringe) and well water (max. 3500) from well water pump increases the yield. Pickup possible takes place between manure and water, pull over tight. At night is not produced.

3. 3 stall
For cucumbers and tomatoes

Thanks to mor2000 without the UPK Mod this is not possible

Rosenthaler – 5.2 MB

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1 Response

  1. nyomelem says:

    Hey, I downloaded this mod, and the UPK Lager thing, but I can’t place any of these anywhere on the map. The other stuff of yours are working great (trees, strawberry greenhouse, etc.)
    What’s the solution?
    Thank you for the answer, and have a nice holiday 🙂

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