Südharz Map V 0.9 Beta







I would like to invite all of you to my beta test of the southern Harz map (LS15)!
The transformation to LS15 was very expensive, I have an extremely long time reingesteckt the last few months.
Since I do everything with much love, I am anxious everything as realistic as possible to build and to go down to the smallest detail!
And for all the friends of forestry are here to have our hands full doing, 19000 precipitable trees waiting for you !!! (Not a typo)
And I’ve just looked run where the edges of forests where trees are which (as best I could), many forest roads and and and
It is to discover a lot of new things, I do not want to list everything here equal, ride even the card and find out what has happened since LS13, namely a lot! (For finals version then there’s a list)
(I have heard your desire, from now on you can the 6th village and explore his new surroundings – Steigerthal)

I play the map with the following mods:

Here are a few pointers:
The map can contain bugs / hiccups, you should then find that as best we can explain and specify the coordinates so I know where the problem is!
– Log error-free

Questions for you:
-Holzverkauf (Where would you place the sale of timber place? Would be nice if you could maybe help me so where and how you would possibly make it! I’m a little perplexed as …)
Lime can not be recorded (maybe someone finds the manure / dung error works)
-Kartenrand (Different visibility of the red-transparent wall and possibly too far visible? Interferes with that? Or can it be any way? I do not know how it got done better at the moment)

still to be done (my todo list):
Lime can not be included?
-Kleinigkeiten (Overhead lines, manhole covers, gates Steigerthal, 2Weiden Steigerthal, lanes wide in some places to u. No texture, …)
-Performance Optimizations

Also, I would greatly appreciate a praise or constructive criticism (if it is feasible for) are pleased! Also, can you like beautiful images to upload and attach!
Maybe one or the other has another tip for me, just tell me, can you give me also like to write messages via PM, as you can clarify certain things better!

I wish you much fun testing !!! And thank you in advance for all testers and for any help!
Greeting Sheldon

Windrow Textures: modelBauer
Forstobjekte: bubu6008
Feldkaufschild: Fendtfan1
Gülle/Mist/Kalk Texturen: Geneborg
Gülle-Mist-Kalk-Mod: TMT (Marhu, -Kolbenfresser-, Hatzfan)
Häuser (aus LS11): TracMax
Misthaufen: Fendtfan1
housePack_CebuljCek: CebuljCek
jobBoard: blubber73
Forgotten Plants: Eribus
Haus v2 (dom2): adam5525
old_house: Creative Modding
Gebäude-Set & Fachwerkhaus: möchtegernbauer
neue Früchte (additionalFruitTypes): Jakob Tischler
Klee/Luzerne Textur: Geneborg
Futterkrippe (Waldtiere v2): haselhorst
Halle (Ortseingang Petersdorf): Sandbox

Suedharz_Map_BetaTest.zip – 329.9 MB

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