Tarasovo v4.1.1


17/11/2016 Update to version 4.1.1
Align the economy: now the economic benefits of the same cereal.
Fields without a harvest, “rolled up” into the grass – now have to plow fields before planting. The price of such fields is lowered by 15-20%.

Tarasovo village is a place where Ukrainians live and work, Belarusian, Russian and a little bit of Armenians. The region is not very habitable and popular, but someone has to start to raise the region’s economy.
There is no forest industry, concrete plants and other process industries. Card for those who like to engage in the cultivation of cereals and root crops. Prices for potatoes here 3 times higher than in standard economy. Culture + standard sunflower, rye, oats. Cows give milk (chickens and sheep is not).

Are you an experienced farmer with a heavy bundle of cash. Since the beginning of work in the fields there are buyers of agricultural products. The village is reborn, the number of people and vehicles is increasing. In the south (in the fork of the road to Moscow) Petrovich rose from ray.tsentra on his Gazelle and sells seeds and fertilizers, you – his favorite wholesale buyer.
It is widely known in narrow circles trader b / y technique Ashot Karapetovich Bagmanyan, due to open markets and a lack of competition, opened its dealership in the south of the map, near the road to Moscow. It sells equipment of all brands as a new and b / y. And it rents for rent (if used MachineryRental modes)
In the village there was a water tower. The water in it is paid. However, water can collect in the river, there is free of charge.
On the territory of the old power station appeared BHA working on straw ** (There is such a fashion Straw PowerPlant). Now, residents in the village enough electricity and gas for heating.
Has registered on its own traffic map *, based on the Mod “Russian Traffic Pack”, only MTZ-80 excluded from the main traffic – well, nothing to do with the tractor plow on federal highways. Tractor rides between fields. On routes buses.
Corrected a mini-map: said shop / agricultural machinery, electric power, machine yard, current (red trailer in a blue square) and the cowshed.
On the map, there are two farmer. One in the north, let’s call him Ivan Halsey, no benefit from it, only takes Freestuff field. And the other in the south, on the Suleymanov family. He can sell the straw bales, loose straw, hay (grass he bulk), silage and can be purchased from his manure. To buy manure must install UniversalProcessKit.

All the characters are fictional, all matches are random.

* – Corrected vehicle speed, now they travel at speeds of 38 … 40 km / h on the highway and at a rate of 28..32 km / h over the ground.
** – In power can unload bales of straw and loose. For alluvial straw is a factor x2, its price will be 0.08 ue per liter, but on bales multiplier is not working, so the bales are sold at a standard price for a liter of 0.04 ye.


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