Even from LS13 known as Mobile milk tank, I’ve changed the scripts for slide LS15.
With this pendant milk can be sold from the cows.
It can be in the same place where the fill MilkTruck collect the milk and they can be sold to the MilkTruck starting position at the dairy.
with the “O” button allows markings to show the trigger.
It is again the model of the orginal water Trailers of Giants with a loading capacity of 6000l, Wehm that is too little may like to have a larger building.
On the orginalen LS15 Maps there is the required trigger not in any ModMap the MilktruckFillTrigger and MilktruckStartTrigger but can be installed.
The trigger can be exported from the old LS13 Maps, those who can not themselves need a little patience but the placeable trigger follow shortly.
Model: Giants
Scripte: Marhu