I noticed that little space to offer an entire square bale stack unload the built-in maps for standard straw trigger and sell directly. Without something negative happened as happened for example bales end up where they should not.
That’s why I got out of the LS13 version Plaziebare straw power plant by LS15.
Among others, I have a few changes. Fits made to the 15er.
Cost: from 45,000 to 100,000 Increases.
Upkeep: From 25 to 150
It displays an error in the log. but still
is fixed and is not particularly predominantly to the game.
Thanks to BigM, Bluebaby210 and raff for this great mod !!
Converts from Umgemoddet and of Outbase52
Have fun with it =)
Urmodder: BigM, Bluebaby210, raff
Bearbeitet und Konvertiert zu Ls15 von: Outbase52
Wieso kann man das ding nicht plazieren? Möchte das gerne auf der Simmerath map plazieren und es heißt immer “kann hier nicht plaziert werden”!