One mod Two uses.
Sidrat’ Save Game Mod.
This save file introduces you to a new campaign in Bjornholm, the
changes are described below.
Player owns fields 23, 24 and 29.
4,200 Liters of Wheat, Canola and Barley are stored on the farm.
Player starts with money of 1,500.
The Loan annual interest is at 100%.
The player has no outstanding bank loans.
New starting vehicles located in the farm.
As a new player from a non-farming background the sand box element had
me stumped the most – this save mod focuses the player to start
production as soon as possible while offering the equipment and field
space in which to do so.
Good luck.
New Player Starting Vehicles.
The player now starts with a range of useful and basic tractors,
harvesters and equipment for the most efficient start. It’s best used
with the settings included in the Save Game Mod, as the player’s
inventory and cash on hand may be deemed over powered.
Extra Bonus.
I have included an .xml file consisting of every non-placeable item in
game. These are located around the shop area and on the grass verge.
It can be used to easily copy and paste new vehicles and items in to
your existing saves – but ensure the items do not overlap.
How To Use.
Unzip the folder to a convenient folder.
To play Sidrat Save Mod – Copy and rename the second Sidrat Save Mod
folder to savegame[n] where n is an unused number and place in the
Documents\FarmingSimulator2015 folder.
Load up Farming Simulator 2015 and select the save file.
To change your starting vehicles in each new game you start in
Bjornholm, simply replace the careerVehicles_map01 located in the
directory with the original file located in Steam\steamapps\common
\Farming Simulator 15\profileTemplate
A backup of the original file has been included for your convenience.
Thank you Devs, Modders and Player.