– On the start point of the farm where you start you can find machine halls and storage for potatos, sugarbeets and wood chips.
So you can find Seeds and Fertilizer. You can feed the chickens with Grain and Water.
– On the other side of the farm you can find storage for Barley, Wheat, canola and corn. And you can find a Mixing Machine and storage for
Grass, silage, Stro Manure, mixing feed and chaff. There are 4 Chaff silos on the farm.
– You can Find multiple anmimal, Cows, Sheeps, Chickens, calfs and Pig’s.
– You can collect and sell the milk by yoursels.
– Biogass.
– MilkFactory.
– Vehicle Shop.
– Sawmill for selling wood chips and logs.
– Slaughterhouse.
– Storage for liquid manure pit.
– Forestry area.
– 10 buyable fields and you own field 11 and 3 grass fields.
Map by: Mike
Giants Software
Modular Storage: chtiseb
Hallen Pack LS15: and Release Shed Pack LS15: Dutch Agricultural Modelling
Gülle Lager Gülle Transporter V 1.0: Andy1978
Giants: Grundmodel des Gülle Transporter “Kotte Garant TSA”
Schweine Mast v 3.2.7: Marhu
WaterMod v3.1.5: Marhu
Überdachtes Fahrsilo V 1.0: Max311
Silo Förderband: Marhu
ChoppedStraw V 15.0.03: webalizer
GMK Mod lappyBauer
GuelleMistKalkModPack_LS15 TMT (Marhu, -Kolbenfresser-, Hatzfan)
Foliage Layer: El Cid
Forgotten Plants Wheat, Barley, Potatoes, Rape: Eribus
FarmSilos_Modell1: RC-Devil
vehicleShop and claas fence: BulletBill83
Richard en fender551
Hey Mike , the gate do not open where u have to fill seeds & diesel. can u check it
do solve the problem of the gates?
Biogas door do not open either!!!
Check it !!
garbage map….can’t plant cause gate won’t open!!!!!
get animation map trigger for it to work
Why are my things gone every time i go inn on the map, after i have saved the game. when im going inn om the map again, every vehicle gone, and i moust buy every vehicle again.
Thanks for answer 🙂
He brdr…
Where to save the files and how to install