Hello Gmeinde,
I’d like to introduce you today MomosBjornholm. It is a conversion of the standard map Bjorn Holm. The animals are in Hofnähe and not so far away as to the standard Map.Es a pig and Huhmast was used, plus the one and other modified and installed. I have the yard enlarged and added some storage facilities.
-Added -pigs undRindermast
-Placed -Kühe and sheep farm near
-Hof enlarged
-Metzger Added to the sale of pigs, cattle and chickens
-Added -Ladetrigger with overload at the Milkbot
-Installed -Mist- and manure sale
-Changed -Startfahrzeuge
-Adapted -PDA
-and a few minor changes
Slurry Transport:
Kotte Universal
for transporting the manure for sale
For improvements or new ideas, so write error at the first map is meie ………
If you find errors but just write.
So now I wish you lots of fun to play.